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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Photography | Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa 2011 (Part3)

Catch Rabbit.Mac, Sheezay, Candyman, Daddy Shaq, Vikadakavi from Psycho.Unit in this part of Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa 2011 concert.

Mind-blowing performance!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Photography | Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa (Part2)

Here is the part 2 of the grand concert @ JB, the Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa 2011

The stage banner!

A pinch of the performance!
If you want to see what has really happened over there,
Wait and see more of this concert soon!!
Thanks for supporting Ciklez, we appreciate it alot!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Photography | Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa (Part1)

Presenting to you, Mr.5K, SP, Vish1, and Shameshan! These are the pictures snapped during the Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa 2011 concert!!




Check this picture in FB -
Heyya, wait for more!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Design | When Shameshan Meet'z SP's flier

This is my new design for today. Have a look at the upcoming album, When Shameshan Meet'z SP's flier design. If you are aware of the Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa 2011 concert, you can get one of these fliers there. Do support our local artist!

Do visit the page in my profile album -
And do like the FB page for the album @ -
Keep in touch for more updates yaw!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Design | DareDevil montage's poster

I have been busy these days, as time is ticking for me and my friends to enter university, I have involved myself in taking a montage of my friend's crazy ride.
Chris was also in the shooting, currently working on the editing part, more shooting scheduled too. You will be able to catch the video of the montage soon, in HD!
Here is the poster of the montage which is scheduled to be released in september, but Im not sure of the date.

Click here to view the picture in FB -
Keep in touch for more updates from Ciklez Media Solution, soon!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Update | Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa's Official Soundtrack

Check out the JJJ official soundtrack a.k.a the theme music! Do spread the words around!
JB Jalsa Jalsa by jaybee baybee
And do like Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa 2011 FB Page -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Update | Confusion live perfomance!

This is the video of the live performance of Confusion song by Vish-1 featuring Sheezay of Psycho Unit and Sai Prashanth. Watch it babey!! Do support local artist!
Do like Vish-1's official Facebook page -->
Keep in touch for more updates guys and girls :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Update | No joke, I saw a ghost!

Its Friday today. Meaning to say it has already been 1 week since it happened yet I still want to share that weird thing happened to me last Friday (22/07/2011).
I am a type of guy that dont give a damn about any supernatural thinggy. Actually, I give more attention to extraterrestrial activities compared to supernatural activities. As for me, I hold onto my principle, "Even if those things exist, I am not disturbing them, so they have no reason to disturb me". I have been living for 20 years plus, but I didn't came across anything related to this thing in my life.
Coming to the point, it was 6AM and I was riding my bike heading to Shah Alam using the Batu 8 road, a.k.a the old KK (Kota Kemuning) road. It was still dark, I drove with the help of my head lamp (not so bright), at a point almost reaching the Sri Muda exit, it actually happened!!
I saw a foreign guy, most probably a Bangladeshi, running from the road's right to left wearing his fade-blue uniform. He took my attention to the max because of 2 things, one is because the speed that his body was moving and the speed that his leg is running were not tally and the other reason is because his body glowed slighly brighter than the other people I saw that morning. That made him to look like though he was flying with built-in LED bulbs inside him. I had no thoughts of ghosts when I looked at him. Maybe, it was my imagination or something, so I kept quiet.
Without intention, I looked closely on where he is heading to. To be exact, my head was following his movement (I dont know why I did that). He ran to the side of the road where there is a fence. And to my horror, he just got into the fence and disappeared!! I got goosebumbs to another stage!! Immediately, I stopped my bike there and I saw there was a trail beside the place he went through, but even after 5 seconds starring at the trail, I didn't any movement of a human there, it was empty all the way in. Blurred, confused, excited, happy, sad and sober all came together in me, and I started laughing and then I drove my bike away from the spot.
I thought it was over, but on the same day, I went back to home at night, something weird happened too. To my horror, I saw my dog, Puppy barking at me (it never done it before). After barking awhile at me, Puppy looked on top of the neighbor's roof and starred. I was like "What the hell is he lookin' at" and I looked where it was starring, nothing was there. Puppy did it 3 times but there was nothing on the roof. I entered the house and the day was over.
After two or three days, I discussed about this matter with my mother and the first thing she said was "Next time wash you leg before you enter the house, maybe it could have followed you" and I was like "Sungguh WTH"... And I asked some of my friends, they said the same thing.
To conclude, I don't know is it real or not. But I don't get the logic for these questions of my brain :-
- Why must I look at him non-stop until he disappear?
- If he didn't penetrate the fence, where he went?
- Why I got goosebumps to that extent?
- Why Puppy acted so weird on the same day?
If you have any comments or thoughts you wanna share with me on this scenario, you are very very coldly welcomed!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Photography | Sunway Pyramid 25072011

This time, have a look at the I took at Sunway Pyramid earlier today! Its been a great time walking around with Braveender.

/// The Ice-Rink

/// @ Toys R Us
Click here to see all 9 Photos on Facebook -
Keep in touch for more updates :)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Photography | Lazat Lunch @ Kavitha's

Back from the PC-Fair, Neereindar and I went to Kavitha's to fill out our stomach. And even to go to Kavitha's we used Google Maps. Thanks Google <3

/// The signboard which attracts...

/// My meal!

/// Within a few minutes :)
Click here to view the photos on FB -
Keep in touch for more updates soon!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Photography | PC-Fair 23072011

Recently, Neereindar and me went to PC-Fair held at PWTC, KL. We went there to buy external hard disk but returned back empty handed. I dont like to say more about the fair, as a conclusion, we wasted our time there!
But I took the chance to snap some shots of the environment there. Have a look n enjoy!

/// Putra World Trade Centre

/// The entrance
Click here to view all 8 photos of this event on FB -
Keep in touch for more updates coming up next!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Update | My new hard disk

This is my new hard disk which I bought recently. Well, I was really in need of it since my internal is almost full. Here is the picture of it :)

Manufacturer :Samsung
Model : G3 Station
Capacity : 1.5Terabytes
USB: 2.0
Color : Cobalt Black
Form factor : 3.5"
Power : Yes
Click here to view the picture on my Facebook Wall -
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Photography | This is one tiring job

This is one of my shot taken by Christopher on a shoot @ KL. Sat down to test whether the angle is right or not. :)

Click here to see the picture on my FB wall -
Keep in touch for more updates from Ciklez
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Design | JJJ Ticket Announcement

Click here for the link of this picture on Facebook -
Do support Malaysian local artist!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Profile Picture | Mister

Click here for the direct link on FB -
Keep in touch for more updates :)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Photography | Modeling - Devisha #2

Due to some privacy issues, the pictures has been removed from Facebook!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Profile Picture | JSP 14072011

Do click here to view the picture on my Facebook -
Updates | My P1 Speed Test 14072011

You can also check your Internet connection's speed @
Do view the exact picture on my Facebook Wall Photos
Profile Picture | The End Is Near 13072011

Click here to view it on my Facebook Profile
Friday, July 8, 2011
Afterall, we are Malaysians!

Do like the profile picture on my profile -
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Design : Jaybee Jalsa Jalsa Poster

Do like the page created for this concert :
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Photography : Weird Yet Awesome

Click here to see all 4 pictures taken -
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Photography | Triple A (April At Ampang)

Click here to see all 26 Pictures in the album -
Keep in touch for more updates :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My new profile picture on Facebook 29062011

Pre-Wedding Yogesh Raj & Kalaivani

Devisha Photoshoot 25062011

Check out for the picture and the upcoming updates of this album in Facebook -
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Photography | ICity, Lourdes, ICity again!

Click here to view all 17photos taken! -
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Wanted - My new profile picture 25062011

Stay tuned for more surprises!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Profile Picture Blast 200611

You can view all the pictures in this composition separately in the album in Facebook with this link -->
Ipoh Trip 190611

There is a whole 15pictures in the album in Facebook, check the pictures with this link -->
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Confusion's Audio Promo Design

This is the first singles of Vish1 featuring Sheezay of Psycho.Unit.
Check the details, and do support local artist!
Official media : Ciklez Media Solution

Keep in touch for more design!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Deadly Datuk 15022011 - Part 14

/// Busy guys!

/// My favorite drink, soya bean!!

/// I thought we were going back!!

/// Stopped for CENDOL!!!

/// What a weird shop?!!!

/// Our CENDOLS! Savadi!

/// This time, we seriously going back!
Thats the grand final of this long awaited journey!! More to come soon! Keep in touch!
Deadly Datuk 15022011 - Part 13

/// Climbing down!

/// Had some trouble there!!

/// At last we came to the base back!!! Its time to mandi (take a bath) !!

/// At the waterfall!

/// Peace!

/// Chris came from no where :D :D

/// Nee + Mee! :D :D

/// Balik Time! :D

/// LOL, check the school's name :D :D :D BONGEK!!

/// Stopped to eat!

/// One of 8 plates!!
Next part : More at the restaurant!
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